Programs for members 18 and over
Ladder tennis is a great way to play as much tennis as you want. Play a pro set, record the score, and move on! For ladder rules and etiquette, see below.
Find out about rules and procedures for playing team tennis, explained below. To join a team, use Skycourt or contact the head coach.
Sign up for free adult lessons held on Wednesdays and/or Thursdays at 6 & 7:30 p.m. For more information, see below.
Find out below about our round robins, plus tennis etiquette for playing round robin doubles.
Play home and away competitive doubles every Tuesday evening. See Interurban Doubles below. Get Schedule.
Use the backboard for practicing groundstrokes and volleys on your own.
In addition to open tennis play that adult members can enjoy, we have the following organized programs. Feel free to get involved in one or all of these programs. We also have court rules of conduct we ask all members to observe. See Code of Conduct.
Taking place on Monday evenings, team tennis is a fun event consisting of mixed doubles matches between groups of players each competing to win the tournament for their team.
Player assessment and teams
At the beginning of every season each player’s skill level is assessed. Players are encouraged to notify the team tennis coordinator if they have a preference of being on the same team.
Team Captains
At the start of the season, each team is required to have a captain. If no one from the team volunteers to be the captain, the team tennis coordinator will appoint a member of that team. The team captain’s responsibilities include these four tasks regarding match score sheet:
In order for Team Tennis to run as smoothly and efficiently as possible please notify your team captain, well in advance of the matches if you are unable to attend, so that reserve players can be contacted and play can continue uninterupted.
At the start of each match, players will be assigned a number based on their group skill level:
This should be a team decision. It is recommended that every match or so, each player floats one number up and one down within their group skill level. Players should not expect to stay at one number all season. This is to ensure team bonding and fairness of play.
Game Rules
We belong to an Interurban Tennis league, for which Cambridge Tennis Club (CTC) supplies a team of 4 ladies and 4 men every Tuesday evening. The league runs from May to July. Matches alternate between home and away fixtures.
How to participate
Interested members should text our Interurban co-ordinator, James, at 226-929-0982 or email to indicate your interest.
Interested CTC members should attend the following information session:
What: Interurban Tennis Information Event
When: (TBD)
Where: CTC Clubhouse
Home and Away Schedule
Click the Get Interurban Schedule button below.
Important Information to Consider
To join a round robin group, contact a convener below. Or take a chance and be at the courts ten minutes before the event and register with the convener. He or she will try to fit you in.
A key feature of recreational round robins is the rotation of the players after each match. We organize doubles round robins over the course of two hours (two and a half on Sundays). After each round, players change courts and play with a new partner, or with the same partner, against new opponents, depending on the format suggested by the convener.
Sunday Format
This year we will be running the Sunday round rob according to the following format:
- It is for Players with skill levels 3-4. If you are new and we do not know your level, We will ask you to contact James the Head pro for an assessment.
- You can sign-up up to one week ahead. For example, you can sign up each Sunday for the Sunday ahead. Sign-up for each Sunday will close on Friday at 10 p.m. for the Sunday Coming Up.
- Please refrain from cancelling the evening before or on the morning of play. Players who fail to show twice in the season will be contacted for an explanation and may be removed from the program for the remainder of the season.
- We will play from 9-11:30 a.m. on Sundays, weather permitting.
There will be 5 x 30-minute sessions. You will play with different partners and opponents for each set.
- To begin, you choose to pair up with with players and fill the courts. After the 30 minute set is up, the winning pair from each set moves one court up, towards court 1 (closest to the road and club house) and splits so they now become opponents for the next set. If the winning pair was already on court 1, they just stay there and split. The losing pair from each set moves one court down, and splits so they now become opponents. If the losing pair was already on court 4 (with the hitting board at the back), they just stay there and split.
- A "last game" warning will be called with 2 or 3 minutes remaining. Players should play out the current game.
- If the set ends in a tie after "last game" is called, a mini-tiebreak (3 points) will be played to decide.
- No scores are recorded.
In case of poor weather, watch for an email notification by 8:45 a.m. from Matt for cancellation.
When you become a member of the club, you create a Skycourt account which allows you to log into Skycourt and access the singles ladder. You will find it easy to use and intuitive.
2. RANKINGS – After registering you will be ranked on the ladder by the club professional. If you like, you can grade yourself in the Tennis Canada Ratings Calculator on the home page of this site. Note that this tool does not show on a phone or tablet - only on a PC or laptop.
3. CHALLENGING – You may challenge a player ranked within your box. The top 2 players with the most points move up to the next box and the bottom 2 players with the least points move down a box.
4. IF YOU ARE CHALLENGED – You have 2 options:
ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE – You have 7 days from time of being challenged to play the match.
DECLINE THE CHALLENGE – Instead of accepting the challenge, you may decline the challenge and forfeit the match. This is the option you should choose if you cannot accept the challenge due to illness, vacation, busy schedule, etc. Although you forfeit matches you decline, this process will keep the ladder moving and allow players to participate in more matches. This option is also the default if you do not respond to a challenge within 48 hours.
5. MATCH RULES – ONE SET – All challenge matches must be played to a full set with a seven-point tiebreaker played if any set is tied at 5-5. One deuce will be played with the second deuce sudden death. Players will spin a racquet or flip a coin to determine the initial serve or side of the court.
6. AFTER EVERY MATCH – After every challenge match, the winner must report the score in Skycourt. Scores must be reported within 48 hours of the challenge being played or else the players will remain in the same ladder positions. Both players may challenge immediately after any match scores are reported but not before.
7. EQUIPMENT, COURTS AND WEATHER – Both players are responsible for bringing a new can of tennis balls to the match, with the winner taking the new can to their next match. If inclement weather does not permit a match to be played, you need to play the rescheduled match within 72 hours.
Offered to all members, free tennis lessons have been a staple at Cambridge Tennis Club for many years.
New for the 2024 season: registration via SkyCourt is required for all adult lessons. Wednesday (Intermediate/ Advanced) and Thursday Night (Beginner/ Intermediate). Due to popular demand, we now offer 2 sessions - starting at 6 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
Typically all courts are used, with participants grouped according to ability. The coach at each court conducts the training, focusing on a different aspect of instruction each week, from practicing ground strokes and volleys, to overheads and strategies for match play. The training is fast-paced, with the focus on participants moving around without waiting to hit. After an hour of instruction, teams are made up and play begins, capping an enjoyable evening.
Whether you’re new to the club or a seasoned member, a good time is guaranteed and all members are welcome.