The "double-touch" chin to shoulder technique played a pivotal role in Thursday’s smorgasbord of hitting. By touching the shoulder of the extended, parallel-to-the baseline, non-hitting arm with my chin, I kept my head still at the contact point, ensuring good shoulder rotation, steady head throughout, and good preparation for hitting the ball out front. After contact with the ball, the racquet continued to follow-through, where the shoulder of the hitting arm touched the chin, completing the "double-touch" of the chin. As in the 2 previous sessions, this technique worked like a charm.
The chin to shoulder technique felt delightfully mechanical while still feeling like a natural motion, and produced massive results. For one thing, this technique improved consistency: we had many extended rallies, including a 75-shot rally of punishing hits, shown in the video below. It also contributed to good balance, keeping the head still, and it encouraged good racquet swing preparation, as shown in the image above.
To my delight, I discovered that many coaches, including favourite 2-Minute Tennis, raved about this technique.